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证书 in Elementary School Teaching

Turn your bachelor’s degree into a career as an elementary school 教er.


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Arizona Alternative Elementary Teacher Certification 程序

如果你想要一份令人满意的职业,在亚利桑那州当一名小学教师,可能会对孩子们的生活产生影响, this 教er education program is for you. 在Alliant, we know how important 教er preparation can be. 这就是为什么我们为所有希望开始小学教育事业的有抱负的教师创建了这个证书项目. 

这是亚利桑那州教育委员会(ASBE)批准的教育工作者认证计划,为您在州内教授K-8年级做好准备. 小学教师认证的课程在网上提供广泛的实践培训和课堂模拟,以确保您准备好在课堂上指导和教育. 在线教学证书旨在使您的教育学习符合您的时间表. 在Alliant, 我们明白,我们有抱负的老师将是帮助每个学生奋斗和成功的人. 这个教育计划为未来的教师提供了必要的培训,以潜在地领导一个充满希望的学生的教室.

教育工作者准备证书课程包括一名实习教师,在实习期间,您将与一名经验丰富的教师和现场主管配对,他们将通过评估指导您,并在您学习时指导您进行个性化的课程, 教, 赚取收入. 在这里,你将获得宝贵的学生洞察力,并获得在小学工作所需的教师教育.




Courses for the 教er preparation program are taught online, with hands-on experience and video simulations, all helping to prepare you to 教.


项目 are Arizona State Board of 教育-approved, leading to an elementary and secondary school 教er certification in Arizona.


As a candidate in the educator preparation program, if you're enrolled as an intern, 你也可以与学校签订全职教师合同.

All Bachelor’s 度 Welcome

If you have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution, 在任何科目中, you will fulfill this admissions requirement.

Classes Starting Every Eight Weeks

You can enroll in this educator preparation program at any point in the year; qualified applicants are accepted at scheduled dates every eight weeks.


The 教er education program typically takes 12 months for certification, and an additional two terms for certification and master's degree.





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Arizona Teacher Certification Requirements



How will this program prepare me to become a 教er?

这个初级教育认证项目为你提供了获得实习教师证书的另一种途径. 该项目适用于那些已经拥有任何领域的学士学位,并希望获得K-8年级教师执照的人. In the program you'll explore best practices in pedagogy, 在获得技能的同时, 知识, 这些特质对于自信地进入这个行业至关重要:

  • Competencies aligned with InTASC and ISTE Standards 
  • 支持 through a consortium of partners that include public, charter and private schools and other related organizations, 非营利组织, 和机构
  • Research- and evidence-based training to meet the needs of all learners
  • Development of skills to make a lasting impact
  • 一个结构化的英语浸入式模式,结合英语语言发展(ELD)标准,将语言技能和学术内容联系起来

Does program completion prepare me for certification as a 教er?

是的,作为一个项目完成者,你会收到一封推荐信来获得你的认证. For a full list of state certification requirements, 访问我们的 Arizona Certification Requirements 页面.



What scholarship and financial aid are available?

私立和公立奖学金可以帮助你支付完成初等教育的费用, and Alliant offers institutional scholarships for many of our students. 了解更多关于这些 奖学金的机会. 对于那些符合贷款条件的人,可以获得额外的经济援助, 奖助金, 联邦工作研究, 还有军事援助. 在我们的 财务选择指南.

How long does it take to complete the program?

This is a 30-credit program by itself, and a 39-credit program when obtained concurrently with the MAE in 教ing. When the program is followed without interruption, it can be completed in as few as six terms, and in additional two terms with the concurrent MAE in 教ing.

How is this alternative pathway to a 教ing certification different?

Arizona offers a variety of pathways to 教ing certification; in order to qualify for this alternative pathway to a 教ing certification,你必须:

  • Hold at least a bachelor’s degree
  • Enroll in an Arizona State Board-approved 教er preparation program
  • 完成三个学期小时或45小时的国家批准的结构化英语浸入式培训,无论是临时的还是完整的SEI认可
  • Have passed the US/Arizona 宪法 exam or test
  • Hold a temporary 教ing intern/alternative 教ing certificate

你也必须通过考试 Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment 在你选择的学科领域,并持有从你的教育准备计划的认证信. 一旦你符合上述资格,并从教师预备课程毕业, your certification will be valid for two years, and may be extended yearly for no more than two consecutive years.


  • 涵盖亚利桑那州宪法条款和原则的大学课程或适当的考试
  • 涵盖美国宪法条款和原则的大学课程或适当的考试.S. 宪法


Explore the various pathways by visiting the Arizona Department of 教育 Educator Certification web页面.

Is the program taught online, on-campus or both?

亚利桑那州教师认证项目的所有课程都可以在网上完成, giving you the flexibility to fit your education to your schedule.


在Alliant, 我们的使命是让学生为服务和领导的职业生涯做好准备,并促进知识的发现和应用,以改善生活. We offer an education that is accredited, focused on practical 知识 and skills, connected with diverse faculty and alumni, and aimed at the student experience.



CSOE offers a variety of degrees, 证书, 以及教育证书,为你通过教学产生持久的影响做好准备, 咨询, 领导, 宣传, 政府, 管理, 还有社区工作. 无论你是在为你的高等教育寻找在线学位课程还是面对面的学习经历, we are here to guide you every step of the way.



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