
梁雅疏, 博士学位, is an Associate Professor and the 项目负责人 of the 临床心理学 PsyD 程序 at 加州职业心理学院 at Alliant International University, 夫勒斯诺市, and is a licensed psychologist who specializes in working with young adults on issues related to identity, 家庭, 创伤, 和重量, 饮食和身体形象问题. 她是该组织的创始董事 圣华金河谷API心理健康项目, a grant-funded project that aims to increase mental health literacy in the Central 加州's Asian & 太平洋岛民社区. 她是……的前任主席 加州中部亚太妇女, a non-profit organization that empowers generations of API women in the Central Valley. She has given presentations on mental health disparities, microaggression, 多样性和包容性, and has published articles on innovative community-based clinical services and language-based discrimination. Social justice and advocacy are dear to her heart, and she believes that - through empowerment and connection - people can heal, 生存, 并蓬勃发展!


Dr. 梁的研究兴趣包括多样性, 多元文化护理, 重量, 饮食和身体形象问题, 以及亚裔美国人心理学. Her current research explores the roles of ethnic identity and culture in the context of 重量, 吃, and body image concerns in the AAPI population and examines systemic barriers that contribute to disparities in mental health care across sociocultural groups.

  • Ph.D.奥克拉荷马大学,诺曼,OK
  • 梁,Y.-S., & 牧羊人,M. A. (2020). "A multicultural content analysis of mental health private practices’ websites and intake forms." 职业心理学:研究与实践, 51(4), 325-334.
  • Frey L. L.比斯利,D., & 梁,Y.-S. (2009). "The Client Evaluation of Counseling Inventory: Initial validation of an instrument measuring counseling effectiveness." Training and 教育 in Professional 心理学, 3, 28-36.
  • 魏,M., 梁,Y.-S., Du, Y.波特罗,R., & 李,我. (2015). "Moderating effects of perceived language discrimination on mental health outcomes among Chinese international students." 亚裔美国人心理学杂志, 6(3), 213-222.
  • 布恩,M. S.爱德华兹,G. R.霍尔顿,M.希尔,J。. S., 梁,Y.-S.米尔,S. R.S .什罗普郡. Y.伯利兹,路易斯安那州. S.坎普,L. C.Murthi, M.黄伟.-K., & 瑶族,T. Y. (2011). "Let's Talk: Getting out of the counseling center to serve hard-to-reach students." Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 39 (4), 194-205.